
Showing posts from December, 2013

Favourite Toys

A recent question, innocently enough, appeared in my news feed on Facebook. Likely, it was inspired by the upcoming holiday season and the jovial festivities it implies but it just brought back rough memories for me. The question was: Did you have a favourite toy as a child and what was it? Many people answered with lighthearted replies of my Barbies, Legos, Teddy Ruxpin, etc. Some were more quip-y, like my imagination and nature. No one answered in the dark way that I immediately thought of when confronted with that question, so I left it at my books. In truth, my books were indeed my most favourite "toy", from the time I could read until today. Thing is, that really was for two reason back then. My books were a never ending source of imaginary fun. There were lives I could enter and be a part of that I yearned for, that I wished with all my heart were really mine. I could escape into a book for hours. I usually read at night, under my covers in bed because then I could sp